Vegfest 2019

I’d been looking forward to this year’s Vegfest held in Taguig.  I arrived at last year’s Vegfest late so I was not able to make the most out of it. This time around, Joe, Stephen and I went there early in the afternoon. It was Joe’s first time to participate, and the second time for me and Stephen. I immediately noticed that there were much more stalls present than there were last year. By the way, just to make it clear, I am neither a vegetarian nor a vegan, but I will try something new.  There was a wide array of dishes available. Free food and drinks were given away.  What I really liked most were the fried broccoli balls, sayote pickles and mushroom sisig.  They also sold non-edible, environment-friendly health products.  Delicious stuff that does not require giving up the value of nutrition, eh? I couldn’t help sampling as much as I could.


We made sure that we went through all the stores and samples the products they offered.  We went back several times just to make sure we did not miss anything.  I took a picture of Joe doing a Shawn Michaels pose with some Disney Princess cosplayers who performed for the children. Meanwhile, Stephen and I talked with R. G. Enriquez of Astig Vegan fame, and we had a picture taken with her. Stephen told me he regularly watched her YouTube vlog to get cooking tips. The venue was teeming with eye candy, if you know what I mean. 😉


Early in the evening began a program hosted by particular vegan personalities who explained and espoused the benefits of a lifestyle free from animal products. Then they held an open forum for the audience. There were some singers who performed pop songs on stage, but of course, the stars that night in my opinion were the dishes.

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They finished the event by showing the hit documentary “The Gamechangers” which promoted veganism and detailed the ill effects of animal product consumption. I admit that I missed the first part because I was paying more attention to the free food being given away. I had to go back several times because once was not enough. As for the movie, I was still able to catch up on the latter parts. Supposedly, the athletes who shifted to a vegan diet made considerable improvements in their over-all health and performance, and they had the science to back it up. I am putting it up there on the same level with “Supersize Me” which gave me the health scare of a lifetime an eon ago. Lol. (and then what happened during the time that elapsed from when I last watched it to the present?) Recommended watching for everyone.


The organizers never lacked the least bit of effort in promoting this endeavor. I admit, I am still not a vegan, nor am I a vegetarian, but I’m seriously considering it, and that’s a step towards being one, right?  Besides the impact on one’s health that eating meat and related products makes, I think a good motive would be the thought that this change in lifestyle could benefit our fellowmen and the environment. What little I watched in the movie shown in this event, I will not spoil because it is worth watching.  This is but the beginning of yours truly writing on vegan/vegetarian stuff and the like. Besides, I’m a veterinarian so being kind to ALL animals is something I ought to be. Join me next time in my gastronomic adventures with my friends.


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